
Established in 2012, Against the Tide is a book publishing company focused on promoting the publication of historical narratives that others can learn from.  Geared to lovers of history both young and old, we focus on books that analyze and help us learn lessons from the past that significantly apply to our future.   It is our goal to remain pertinent to young people who may choose to pick up the mantle of struggle and carry us to a brighter future.

Take a look at our recently published book:

JC Book Cover 082017

What My Left Hand Was Doing: Lessons from a Grassroots Activist by Joann Castle

Against the incendiary backdrop of the 1967 Detroit riots and aftermath, a naive white working class Irish-Catholic mother of six young children takes a stand against racial equality. This poignant memoir presents an insider’s view of what grassroots movement work is really like and includes an Activist’s Survival Guide for future activists everywhere.

“… a searing, unflinching memoir of black and white political activism in the 60s and 70s  and lessons learned that have relevance today…Its another Detroit story that we all need to know..”   Herb Boyd, author of Black Detroit: A People’s History of Self-Determination.

“This is a story about America, slated to be a classic of American Literature.”   Michael Goldfield, author of The Color of Politics: Race and the Mainsprings of American Politics.

Also available:

A Black Revolutionary’s Life in Labor:
Black Workers Power in Detroit.
by Mike Hamlin

A powerful working class movement of black workers emerged in the industrial city of Detroit in the late 1960s. One of their leaders, Michael Hamlin in conversation with Michele Gibbs, offers an inside look at the development of DRUM and The League of Revolutionary Black Workers, addressing their internal struggles, historic gains and lessons learned as they apply to the continuing fight for racial justice in the working class today.

“Mike Hamlin writes with passion and clarity about his life as a revolutionary. His memoir embodies the unique spirit and far-sighted views of the radical labor movement in Detroit.”      Dan Georgakas, Coauthor: Detroit: I Do Mind Dying.

4 thoughts on “About

    1. joanncastle Post author

      My book is still tied up in an excruciatingly long production phase. I’m hoping it will go to the printer in January. I will begin speaking and doing book signings once I get through that process. I would love to meet the people at Birmingham Temple. Thanks for your note.


  1. judith black

    Once I started reading could not put the book down as the story tying the personal story with what going on at the time in the civil rights movement was just so enlightening.


    1. joanncastle Post author

      Hi, Judith,
      Thank you so much for your comment. One of my primary goals was to tell the story in the context as I lived it, a historical narrative of sorts so that readers could experience the times with me.



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